Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tax Credit Revisited

Another call today about the tax credit. The inquiry was "I have a quote for metal but I don't know if it qualifies for the tax credit". I wish this were as easy as the government should make it for us to understand, but honestly it is up to the manufacturer to qualify their products. For you, this means what they say goes. BUT, and this is a big but! The manufacturer of the product you are using must provide you with a certificate which contains the following specific information about the product you are using:
1. Calls out and lists the specific product (in metal roofing this is the paint used).
2. States how the product qualifies (in metal roofing this is through reducing heat gain - usually).
3. States that it meets or exceeds the requirements.
4. That it qualifies in accordance with IRS Notice 2006-26.
5. Has a perjury declaration statement, and
6. Is signed by a person authorized to bind the manufacturer in these matters.
In other words...don't take their word for it - get it "Certified"!

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